AI influencer lists top reveals of CES 2025: AI smart glass, robot vacuum, body scanning health mirror, and more | Watch | Mint

AI influencer lists top reveals of CES 2025: AI smart glass, robot vacuum, body scanning health mirror, and more | Watch | Mint

The much-awaited global tech event CES 2025 began on Tuesday. The launch of the latest gadgets and advanced technologies drew the interest of several tech enthusiasts worldwide. The four-day-long tech event will witness the launch of the latest technologies related to personal tech, transportation, health care, sustainability, etc.

AI influencer Hasan Toor shared a list of the top tech gadgets featured at the CES 2025 event. In his post on X, Toor mentioned announcements by Nvidia, and other tech industry giants.

CES 2025: Top gadgets released in the event so far

Halliday Glasses: 3.5-inch AI smart glasses

The Halliday Glasses were launched at the event. The AI smart glasses can help users to operate their phones with their glasses. The ordinary glasses come with a technology to operate functions like music, calling, etc.


NVIDIA announced its Project DIGITS, a $3,000 personal supercomputer that can perform high-end tasks with the power of an average laptop.

3D projector to enter the world of VR

Another device mentioned in the list was a Portalgraph, which is a 3D projector. The device can help project objects related to virtual realty into the real world. 

TV with 4K pictures

LG launched its high-definition television. The see-through device of the company shows 4K pictures and costs $60,000 in the United States.

Robot vacuum

Imagine a vacuum cleaner which can do all the cleaning task of your home without any supervision. Roborock Saros Z70 is a robot vacuum cleaner which help even organise your clothes and items.

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